Thursday, 21 May 2015


The aims of this module are:

To identify, explore and develop areas of practical, technical and conceptual research in order to produce a body of creative / professional relevant work.

To develop specialist knowledge of individual design practices and independent approaches to the investigation of self determined solutions to design briefs.

To develop a practical, theoretical and conceptual understanding of technical abilities and their effective application to individually identified design problems.

To embed an awareness of the social, cultural, ethical and commercial roles of graphic design and their relationship to an increasingly individual creative practice towards.

To develop professional level presentation/communication skills through the selection and use of appropriate content and media.

'Examine graphic design outputs relating to social, political and ethical change.'
'21st Century issues'
'Be sure to note the relationship between medium and message.'

Research #1

Research #1

Design ideas #1

Leaflets and other informative content were generally great for communicating a long winded message but were more often than not disregarded by users who weren't interested. Personally feel A5 is a convenient size for a leaflet publication, large enough to be legible and convey the correct amount of body copy but small and discrete enough not to be a nuisance.

Design ideas #2

Stickers were a viable option for simply communicating my message, stickers have an appeal where people show an interest into their content, drawing out the child side in each individual. A simply logo on a sticker can draw interest or be used arbitrarily due to an interest in the design style.

A design idea using the main male headline acts from festivals such as Leeds fest, Coachella and T in the park etc and accessorizing them by adding typically feminine icons such as bows, nail varnish, heels and so on. This specific strand of the notion was described as 'not tough enough' during feedback with tutors requiring a harder edge form of design.

Packaging boxes had been considered to post my campaign material to festival go-ers to spread the message and create awareness of the inequality problem music festivals and women encounter.
These boxes would fit with the colour scheme of my campaign creating a eye catching attention grabbing package that would be hard to refuse, also looking higher end and not something which should be disposed of.

Design development #1

In adverse to thoroughly attempting to create my own campaign, I have decided to take a previous campaign on a tangent, This campaign I have chosen will be the HeForShe campaign. This campaign's branding already jumps out to me and the fact that they are following a unisex approach is something which means my products and messages are reaching a greater audience and fighting the inequality cause more.

Researching into HeForShe's branding led me to discover that the typeface they mainly use is Maison neuebold, a font that isn't part of the adobe font folio therefore would have resulted in me purchasing this, as an alternative I researched and decided to use neuzeit grotesk as these typefaces are shockingly similar, sticking with HeForShe's design style.

Deciding to name my campaign in a literal way of what I was representing 'Gender equality festival edition' which would be the name of the magazine/leaflet that informed the audience of the cause I was fighting for.
This strong neon pink colour was colour picked from HeForShe's logo, working strongly to draw the audience to reading the type. Admittedly effeminate to represent the female and male targets but this shocking pink colour draws to back to the routes of 'women owning their sexuality' and in a subversive way detracts the stigma attached to the colour pink/magenta.

Design development #2

Products #1

The aim is to create a full campaign box, complete with t shirts, posters, booklets, stickers and post cards to engage the audience with this campaign. The target audience for these products are festival goes ranging from 16-30+, Ideally targeting the younger populous with the almost tongue in cheek approach and bright neon colours, accompanied with the informative content (leaflet / booklet) to raise awareness for the HeForShe Festival inequality.

Stickers would be part of the campaign pack, as touched on previously due to the audience and they way that they draw in interest. Stickers of Bastille's Dan and also Kendrick Lamar both feminised, also stickers of the logo with my campaign's title and simple the HeForShe logo.

T shirts would be included in these packs also, admittedly being quite costly to produce at nearly £3 per run, if this campaign was to receive an actual publicised run, than t shirts cheaper than £2.50 would be found, making this package cost less in total.

Products #2

The box which would be delivered to houses of those on guest lists of festivals/ paid for via the HeForShe website would be painted white or pink, complete with branding on the outside, featuring the t shirt, posters, booklet and post cards inside. This again would require design time, including painting and assembling, more labour and cost.

Finals #1

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